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Project Update

High Quality Delivery on Houses of Parliament Project

Emico have just finished the Fire Hydrant project at the Houses of Parliament.

Some background:  We were engaged as Principal Contractor for the RIBA 4 – 7 design and installation of a new mechanical Fire Hydrant system, which runs from the east side of the Houses of Parliament at Black Rods Gate to the western end at the foot of the Elizabeth Tower (Big Ben).  

The new fire main protects the integrity of the fire system across the Houses of Parliament, where the two key risks are security and fire. The design includes:  

  • RIBA Stage 4 and 5 design
  • Temporary works design
  • Civil and structural design – core holes, trenching, hydrant chambers, re-surfacing, penetration seals, fire stopping
  • Hydrant design – mechanical, thrust brackets, pressure calculations, flow rates, compliance with standards. 

Our HOP client has provided the following testimonial:  

“The Emico team deserve plaudits for their attention to detail which resulted in such a high-quality delivery.  Their team showed great patience and initiative working in a new environment, their willingness to go knock on doors, ask questions, and form relationships outside of the physical work, which we felt was one of the most significant contributions to the success. Emico maintained a very high standard of Health, Safety and Quality throughout the entire project”.  

A great job by the Emico team.   

July 27, 2023

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